
Leaders in socially beneficial and essential property.

Ppi logo animasjon

Overview from the CEO

First full year of operation

2022 was the company's first full year of operation. While we spent most of our time on acquisitions and integrations in 2021 and first quarter of 2022, we have dedicated the remaining three quarters of last year to the operational side of our business.
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Efforts have been focused on streamlining portfolio management, identifying ESG-initiatives and serving tenants and suppliers. Great attention has also been allocated to developing current properties, in line with the long-term value creation plan for the company.

The company has a sound financial operation, and a clear strategy for achieving the vision of being a market leader in the owner of essential and socially beneficial property in Norway.

PPI entered 2022 with 41 properties and emerged with 48 after completing the last phase, phase 4. The company has grown rapidly and has, in Norwegian context, become relatively large. We have now reached a size that generates market attention from tenants and partners as well as a wider community. Reaching a critical mass in both property value and number of properties allows us, as an important real estate owner and operator, to exploit economies of scale and further develop the company in line with the strategy.

After an active first half of the year for commercial real estate transactions, the market then stalled after the summer. We had been expecting to make good and profitable acquisitions in the period leading up to Christmas, however, the investment climate has changed significantly since completion of phase 4. Despite constantly considering new investment opportunities with public tenants in the second half of the year, the valuation-differences amid buyer and seller remained wide throughout the year.
As a result, no acquisitions nor divestments was completed in the second half of 2022. The commercial real estate market and the credit market remain challenging well into 2023, however, challenging market environment may provide attractive opportunities for further growth.

As part of the acquisition process that was completed in the first half of 2022, , we established a bank syndicate led by Nordea. Said facility is NOK 2.7bn with a margin of 181bps above the 3m NIBOR. The company’s strategy is to expand the facility hand-in-hand with maturing bonds. Furthermore, in December 2022, PPI repaid the junior bond of NOK 290 million with cash at hand, after extending the bond loan by six months from June 2022. This helped reduce financial risk in a situation with volatile interest rates and an overall challenging credit market.

As a rather newly established real estate company, PPI are still in the early stages. We are eager to develop and improve for the benefit of our tenants, based on the company's core values of presence, quality and value creation.
Morten signatur
Morten Kjeldby | CEO

December 31st 2022

Key Figures

Gross Area (sqm)
Value / sqm (NOK)
Gross Rent / sqm (NOK)
CPI Adjustment
Public Tenants

Our Properties

Video from Bernt Ankersgate 17, Moss
  • New properties
    in 2022

    In the summer of 2022, the company acquired seven properties priced at NOK ~2bn. All properties have public tenants with important societal missions, in line with the company's strategy. The acquisitions increased gross rental income of approximately NOK 105 million, weighted CPI-adjustment and the proportion of public tenants in the portfolio.
    Video from Bernt Ankers gate 17, Moss
  • #1 Kunnskapsveien 55

    This acquisition represents the first educational building in the company’s port-folio, with OsloMet as tenant. The university rents 25,255 sqm gross, and the building is specially adapted for educational purposes.
    Kunnskapsveien55 kjeller
  • #2 Vogts Gate 17

    An office building in downtown Moss with 10 619 sqm gross, where the County Governor of Oslo and Viken is the largest tenant. The Civil Clearance Authority, the Police, and Viken County Municipality are the other tenants.
    Bilde Vogtsgate i Moss
  • #3 Rambergveien 5

    Formerly an administrative building for Kaldnes Mekaniske Verksted, this property dates back to the time when there was a shipyard on the site. The building with approximately 1 000 sqm gross is strategically located next to Rambergveien 9. This development property currently has a private company as tenant.
    Rambergveien 5 Tonsberg
  • #4 Rambergveien 9

    The property is beautifully located by the wharf in Tønsberg, with The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB), the Norwegian Directorate of Elections, and the Norwegian Church are tenants. The building has an area of 11 475 sqm gross.
    DJI 0036
  • #5 Jærveien 12

    The building with 2 922 sqm gross is centrally located in Sandnes. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority is the largest tenant.
    Jaerveien12 sandnes
  • #6 Askveien 4

    This custom-built property is tailored to accommodate Hønefoss police station.The building has an area of 3 531 sqm gross and is centrally located in downtown Hønefoss.
    IMG 3362
  • #7 Jul Pettersens gate 2

    The property is a well-known landmark in the city. Lillehammer Courthouse is the tenant in this building and occupy 2 500 sqm gross.
    8 E8 A560 B 28 C1 4 D05 B2 F3 83 C8 AD4 B6 E9 D
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48 properties in
key cities central locations urban areas

Explore our properties ⎋
230426 Kart PPI clean
Mo i Rana
Sarpsborg / Fredrikstad
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Growthplan - Phases
How to gain the highest possible return for the shareholders.
Phase 1-4
VALUE: NOK ~10 000M
Phase 5+
VALUE: NOK ~5 000M
Strategic size
VALUE: NOK ~15 000M
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Growthplan - How to build value
How to gain the highest possible return for the shareholders.
Build brand and trust with shareholders, tenants and the market
Utilize economies of scale
Ensure cash flow by extending lease contracts
Ensure continued control of financing
Develop current properties
Appropriate level of ESG work
Acquire more properties to build size
Preserve values and increase the standard of the properties
Bkfoto no DSB 047
Image from Rambergveien 9, Tønsberg

"We have the world's best tenants; the Norwegian state and Norwegian municipalities."

The majority of our buildings are single-use buildings. Others are shared between public and private tenants.
% of leases

Percentage split of leases

  • Tenants

    The company’s strategy is to own, operate and develop commercial real estate in Norway with public tenants. 90% of the rental income stems from public tenants while the remaining 10% comes from the private sector.
    The public tenants cover a range of important societal missions. Through our properties, PPI contribute to help our tenants fulfill their missions. This requires us, as a part of the governmental value chain, to meet the requirements and needs of our tenants, making our properties one of several strategic tools for achieving the societal missions of the Norwegian state and Norway’s municipalities. Through close dialogue with tenants and systematic ESG work, the company aims to offer tailored and efficient properties.

    Some of the company's multi-tenant buildings house tenants from the private sector, but with the majority of the rental income coming from public tenants. While facilitating tenants from the private sector is not the company's main strategy, we are committed to ensuring that they also thrive in our buildings. Private tenants make up 10 % of the rental income, which contributes to the buildings' high occupancy rates and is an important financial contribution to the company.
    Public Tenants
    Private Tenants
  • Achieved an increased net leasing rate in 2022

    Extended lease holds in 2022
    6.7 years
    Average lease term
    ~19 MNOK
    Recurring annualized rent

    Tenant Split

    New lease holds in 2022
    7.4 years
    Average lease term
    ~10 MNOK
    Recurring annualized rent

    Tenant Split

  • Tenant meetings and surveys

    The company is focused on building long and good relationships with its tenants. Therefore, the company’s operations team and managers have close dialogue with the tenants throughout the year.
    The purpose of the tenant meetings, which are scheduled twice a year with all tenants, is to clarify any changing requirements and needs in the lease, and to further clarify the tenants’ expectations of the landlord. This provides valuable insight into how the company ensures both satisfied tenants and that the company develops in line with tenant expectations. The goal is to increase the likelihood that tenants will renegotiate their lease agreement upon contract expiration.

    The company is focused on building long and good relationships with its tenants. Therefore, the company’s operations team and managers have close dialogue with the tenants throughout the year.

    The purpose of the tenant meetings, which are scheduled twice a year with all tenants, is to clarify any changing requirements and needs in the lease, and to further clarify the tenants’ expectations of the landlord. This provides valuable insight into how the company ensures both satisfied tenants and that the company develops in line with tenant expectations. The goal is to increase the likelihood that tenants will renegotiate their lease agreement upon contract expiration.

    Every fall, a tenant survey is distributed through "Norsk Leietaker indeks", asking all ten-ants to answer questions about their satisfaction with their lease, the property, the operation of common areas, and the landlord.

    The results of the survey are analyzed before the company sets its goals for the next 12 months. For the current period, from fall 2022 to fall 2023, the following three goals have been set:

    These three goals will ensure that tenants experience a predictable everyday life and easy dialogue with the landlord. The likelihood is high that the degree of tenant satisfaction will increase throughout the period of the lease, which will in turn ensure better scores for “customer satisfaction”.
    For the current period from 2022 to 2023, three goals have been set:
    Ensure that tenants have fixed contact persons
    Close dialogue and rapid feedback to tenants
    Good information to tenants about the operation of the property
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    Largest lease contracts

    Tenants - December 31st 2022 Annualized Rent NOK Number of sqm. CPI adjustment Avg. Lease Period
    OsloMet 55,856,254 27,095 100% 31/12/2024
    Kristiansand Municipality 33,248,523 11,751 100% 31/03/2025
    Øst Politidistrikt 26,144,951 15,142 100% 31/12/2026
    Domstoladministrasjonen 25,146,295 12,941 84% 30/10/2028
    Politiets fellestjenester 23,876,531 14,027 87% 15/10/2030
    Statistisk Sentralbyrå 18,630,318 12,638 80% 15/07/2025
    Direktoratet for Samsunnssikkerhet og Beredskap 17,042,920 8,466 80% 30/06/2030
    Sør-Øst Politidistrikt 16,847,742 8,700 80% 01/04/2028
    Sykehuset i Vestfold HF 12,865,043 4,891 100% 01/03/2027
    NAV Agder 12,165,737 6,799 92% 01/03/2027
    Vest Politidistrikt 11,915,171 6,200 90% 31/12/2030
    Various 324,768,905 182,192
    Sum / Weighted average 578,508,391 310,842 93% 5,4
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Video from Njøsavegen 2, Leikanger


Development of current properties is one of the strategies for increasing the value of the company and create the highest possible return for shareholders.
The development team has prioritized properties where public regulatory processes provoke attention, as well as properties with shorter time to contract expiration. This work can include upgrades of existing buildings, extensions, or new construction within both commercial and residential sectors.

Throughout 2022, the development potential of 1/3 of the property portfolio has been surveyed. The preliminary conclusion is that up to 40 000 sqm of net potential, equivalent to ~13 % of current building mass, is untapped in this part of the portfolio. Eight feasibility studies have been conducted with local architects, revealing, among other things, the potential for 300 to 350 residential units in this part of the portfolio. During 2023, the development team will survey the development potential of the remaining 2/3 of the portfolio and begin development of the remaining properties with the highest value development.
Development infograph
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    PPI focuses on all three aspects of sustainability, environmental, social and governance in our strategic work. This is a journey that has just started and will evolve throughout 2022 and further.
    Here is a summary on our ESG-policy.
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    Throughout 2022 our work on sustainability has consisted of establishing an overview and baseline of the portfolio, risk and strategy work, and conducting due diligence in accordance with the Transparency Act.
    The work has provided insight, increased competence and established a better understanding of sustainability within the company. Through this work we have established an understanding of the importance of including climate, environmental, social and business ethics in the risk management of the company and in the overall strategy. In 2022, we have also learned that our financial partners increasingly demand plans and measures related to sustainability, and we expect this to be an increasing trend in the future.

    As new regulations are being developed and implemented within the EU and nationally, our company needs to be aligned with the market and establish an awareness and understanding of the consequences both short and long term.

    We expect increasing demands from our tenants regarding sustainable buildings, and our development will be dependent on how we manage to deliver on these expectations.
  • Photo by Robert Bye


    Throughout 2022 our main priority has been to establish comprehensive baselines for all 48 properties. We have carried out a diligent gathering and mapping of data on energy, waste and water usage over the past five years, creating a robust foundation for comparison.
    These baselines will serve as benchmarks against which we can evaluate our progress in reducing energy use, water consumption and waste for each asset. This enables us to calculate the baseline for CO2-emissions for our portfolio using the GHG-protocol. Moving forward, we will conduct annual reviews of this process and present the results in our upcoming annual reports.

    Reducing our environmental impact requires proactive measures. It demands continuous surveillance, thorough understanding and a clear perspective. To meet these requirements, we are currently implementing energy monitoring systems for all our assets. These systems will automatically gather data from electric, district heating, and cooling meters. Expert analysis of this data will enable us to effectively manage and regulate usage while promptly identifying any operational errors related to the asset’s technical equipment.

    Ensuring that sustainability remains a top priority, we are in the final stages of developing our strategy for the upcoming period. This strategy will incorporate key performance indicators (KPIs) focused on energy efficiency, water consumption reduction, overall CO2-emissions reduction, a sustainable material strategy, and plans for social improvements and governance enhancements.
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    PPI focus diligently on ensuring good working conditions for our own as well as our partners’ employees. Our board of directors consists of five members, of which two are female.
    During 2022 a new set of national regulations on transparency came into force, entailing that companies of PPI’s size conduct a due diligence and evaluation of stakeholders in our value chain. As a direct result of this process, we have established a channel for whistleblowing and a code of conduct for all our partners.
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    Transparency, structure and internal control mechanisms are areas we have been working on the last year, to ensure we are compliant with regulatory demands and provide a safe and stable business environment.
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  • December 31st 2022


    Loan to Value (LTV)
    Net Rental Income (MNOK)
    WALT (years)
    Property Value (MNOK)
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    Bond financing per January 1st 2023

    Here is an overview of the company’s financing and interest rate hedging instruments
    Financing Balance Instalments Interest rate Expiry date
    Bond Financing 1 100 000 000 - 3,00% 23/09/2024
    Bond Financing 962 000 000 - 3,48% 23/09/2024
    Bond Financing 211 000 000 - 4,16% 01/09/2025
    Bond Financing 267 000 000 - 4,40% 07/06/2023
    Bond Financing 425 000 000 - 4,22% 18/07/2023
    Bond Financing 70 000 000 - 4,35% 08/07/2023
    Bank Financing 2 697 750 000 80 392 950 5,17% 14/01/2025
    Total / weighted 5 732 750 000 80 392 950 4,32%
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    Bank financing per January 1st 2023
    Here is an overview of the company’s financing and interest rate hedging instruments
    Interest rate hedging Balance Reference rate Rate/cap Expiry date
    OTC Nordea IRS 238 500 000 3M NIBOR 1,34% 30/06/2026
    OTC Nordea IRS 100 000 000 3M NIBOR 1,03% 27/03/2025
    OTC Nordea IRS 150 000 000 3M NIBOR 1,65% 18/04/2028
    OTC cap (2.75%) 57 100 000 3M NIBOR 2,75% 17/04/2023
    OTC cap (2.75%) 178 875 000 3M NIBOR 2,75% 15/04/2024
    OTC Nordea IRS 313 392 500 3M NIBOR 3,46% 30/06/2025
    OTC Danske IRS 313 392 500 3M NIBOR 3,39% 30/06/2025
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