Whistleblowing means reporting improper working conditions relating to our properties or improper behaviour among employees.


We are committed to decent working conditions, openness, and transparency, and we expect the same from our partners, customers, suppliers, and employees. Work related to our properties should not be perceived as a liability in any way.

In order to ensure this we have established a whistleblowing channel in collaboration with Tenden Advokatfirma (law firm), an independent external provider. Ideally, reporting should be done internally within our organization, to the immediate supervisor. However, if there are issues related to our properties that you believe we should be informed about, you can still use this channel.

All reports will be treated seriously and anonymously within 10 days of receiving the report.

Please note that the digital reporting channel is not encrypted, and it will be possible to trace the address. If you wish to remain fully anonymous, we ask you to use physical mail and send a written report to Tenden Advokatfirma:

Tenden Advokatfirma ANS
c/o advokat Kjetil Baustad Egelie
Postboks 423
3101 Tønsberg

Please mark the letter with "Notice PPI".

Tenden Advokatfirma
c/o advokat Kjetil Baustad Egelie varslingppi@tendenadvokat.no