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Tone Omsted has been appointed new EVP IR and Corporate Finance in PPI

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PPI 02 240510

PPI har ansatt Marianne Aalby som EVP Finance og ESG, under Ilija Batljans ledelse

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PPI ASA listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange on the 29th of April 2024

PPI ASA listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange on the 29th of April 2024

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Kjøper fra SBB for 1,64 milliarder før børsnotering

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Oslo Stock Exchange

PPI intends to launch an initial public offering and apply for a listing on the Oslo Stock Exchange

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240319 PPIÅrsrapport 2023

Read our annual report for 2023

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DJI 0190

Vurderer børsnotering

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Lemon PPI screenshot 30

Tenant Survey

Increased Tenant Satisfaction at PPI

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IMG 240319 halvaarsrapport ppi

Read our half year report for 2023 here

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Public Property Invest Morten Kjeldby 8

Public Property Invest-sjefen: – Gjeldsgraden har naturligvis hatt stort fokus

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Public Property Invest refinansierer storlån

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Har eiendom for 10 milliarder

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Strandavegen 13

36 mill. i leieinntekter i Vestland

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Her er årets 10 største eiendomsdealer

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Over halveis til mot 10 milliarder i eiendomskjøp

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Ny eiendomsdeal verdt 2 milliarder

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Kristiansand 2

Aktiv romjul for Public Property Invest

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Public Property Invest har kjøpt eiendommer for 8 milliarder, nytt oppkjøp fullført nyttårsaften

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Kjeldby maaseide

Kraft Finans selger eiendom for 2,5 milliarder til Public Property Invest

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Anton Jenssens gate 2

Bjørn Maaseide-selskap selger eiendommer for milliarder

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Morten kjeldby 2

Vil kjøpe eiendommer for tre milliarder før jul: – Vi er i prosess med transaksjonene

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Vil kjøpe eiendom for 3 milliarder før nyttår

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