PPI's Ethical Guidelines


The company is founded on the principle of contributing to a more sustainable society. To succeed in this endeavor, we rely on close and collaborative partnerships with our business associates, suppliers, and all stakeholders interested in our buildings. Therefore, we have developed guidelines for all areas within sustainability, encompassing environmental and climate concerns, social issues, and responsible business practices and ethics. We consider these areas critical for achieving the changes necessary to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals. For that reason, we have identified a set of common guidelines to which all suppliers and business partners must commit. Our suppliers are expected to provide goods and services to the company that are produced and delivered in accordance with these guidelines.

Who is covered by these guidelines?

These guidelines apply to all employees of the company, as well as suppliers and business partners. This includes consultants, contractors, and any other business partners working for the company.

As a supplier, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the content of these guidelines and consider how they can be implemented in practice in your everyday work. We all have a responsibility to lead by example in following these guidelines.


Our core values are proximity, quality, and value creation. These values guide us in ensuring a good, responsible, and sustainable operation of our properties. We expect our suppliers and partners to align their contributions with these values.

Responsible Business Practices

The company adheres to all applicable laws and regulations relevant to its operations and activities, including those concerning business practices, human rights, and climate and environmental impact. We also expect the same level of commitment from our business partners. Any deviations from these standards are anticipated to be addressed, communicated, and rectified.

Work Environment and Social Conditions

Fair and respectful treatment of all individuals is a fundamental principle of the company. We expect our suppliers and partners to actively work towards ensuring human rights and good working conditions throughout their operations and value chains. Additionally, we follow the UN Global Compact initiative and align with its ten principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

Climate and Environment

We have high ambitions to make positive contributions to the climate and the environment, striving for a more sustainable property portfolio. This encompasses considerations such as climate impact, energy usage, water pollution, nature preservation, ecological diversity, and pollution mitigation. We expect all our suppliers and partners to familiarize themselves with our ambitions and take responsibility for assisting us in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Gifts and Bribery

Gifts or gratuities for personal benefit may only be offered or accepted if they are of nominal value and in line with ordinary business practices. Our employees and suppliers are prohibited from receiving or offering gifts, gratuities, or personal services that may be perceived to influence business transactions.

Transparency and Compliance

In the event of any breaches of the guidelines, the violation will be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions will be considered based on the nature, scope, and consequences of the matter. Consequences may include warnings, termination, dismissal, or legal action. Employees or suppliers who become aware of breaches of the guidelines should report them as soon as possible to their immediate superior, a higher-level manager, or through the company’s whistleblowing channel.